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The ROOT Chakra is the 1st energy center located at the base of our spine. It provides the foundation on which we build our lives on. When balanced you feel safe, secure, grounded, full of health, a sense of belonging, and just overall grateful for the life given.

When blocked or off balanced, physically you can experience pain in the lower body, poor circulation, arthritis flare ups, immune system problems, constipation, eating disorders, issues with reproductive system, clumsiness, sleep issues, and low energy. It could also affect you Emotionally making you feel disconnected from your body. ungrounded, unsure, constant worrying, anxious, easily angered, fearful, difficulty letting go, greedy, and materialistic. Here are ways to help heal your chakra.

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I am safe, I am secure, I am grounded, I belong in this world. I have all that I need. I am where I need to be, I am at peace with my surroundings, with the people and events that occur. I trust more and fear less.

Repeat as often as you wish with your eyes closed. Best if done first thing in the morning and the last thing at night.


Find a quiet place, seated in the lotus pose, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow yourself to visualize. Focus your energy into the base of your spine, imagine strong flourishing roots extending from you into the ground. Imagine a red lotus flower at the base of your spine emitting a great red light, extending through your ROOT Chakra down into your strong roots, and upward through your physical body. Repeat exercise as needed


Red foods; Apples, Beans, Raspberries, Tomatoes, Strawberries, Cherries, Pomegranates, Peppers, Radish, Beets, Watermelon, Carrots, Onion, Cayenne Pepper, Garlic, Dandelion Root Tea, Cloves, Rosemary, ginger

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The ROOT chakra is associated, with our sense of SMELL. Aromatherapy is a great way to engage your sense if smell.

Essential oils or aromas, Angelica Root, Cedar wood, Frankincense, Myhrr, Patchouli, Rosemary.

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Use-diffuse with vaporizer, light a candle, burn an incense stick, apply a roll on, or take a bath.

Sound Therapy

The grounding sound associations:

-Bij Mantra: Lam


-Keynote: C

-Solfeggio Frequency: 396 HZ

-Shabd Sound: Thunder/Earthquake

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Yoga Poses

Preform these yoga asanas to ground, stabilize and connect with your ROOT chakra

Try this routine whenever you feel the need, or try just practicing it twice a week when you wake up in the morning. It will strengthen the ROOT chakra, and you’ll begin to experience the benefits

Tadasana Mountain Pose

Uttanasan Forward Bend

Virabhadrasana Warrior 1

Balasana Child Pose

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Crystal Therapy

Hematite, Ruby, Carnelian, Red Jasper, emhGarnet, Black tourmaline, Smokey Quartz, Bloodstone, Black Onyx, Obsidian, Jet, Petrified Wood

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Healing with Nature

The Root element is EARTH, so simply going outdoors and take in all the sounds, and smells of nature will have a positive effect. Sit in the grass under a tree and allow yourself to absorb these earthly energies!

Walking especially barefooted on the earth(earthing) helps to ground, promotes a sense of belonging & positivity, improves sleep, increases energy, reduces stress and speeds healing.

Gardening especially planting new life can strengthen bones muscles joints improves balance promotes a more positive and healthier lifestyle

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